Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sneaky Panda

Ho hum.

I've been at college a good week now, and things are shaping up pretty well, I think. My roommate, Miguel (or "The Cheech,") and I got hooked up with the biggest room in our dorm, which also happens to be the only room on the 1st floor. Tight.

Classes are good. The Making of Europe, Writing II, Poetry Workshop, and Globalization, Pop Culture, and The Media (which is every bit as awesome as it sounds.) Nothing earlier than 10 AM, either.

I'm looking to get a job DJing for the campus radio station, WALF, as well. Been working on art, playing bass, and working on mix CDs in my spare time, which will be cut down severely if I end up actually joining all the clubs I signed up for. (Militant
Illustrators Association, AU Swing Society, Medieval Club, Pirate Theater, and probably a few others.)

Woosh. That's all you get for now, shit to do.


goldenbicep said...

Nice to see the update Marz. Glad to hear your off to such a good start. Don't forget, if you discover something you need, I still owe you a birthday present.

Lewis said...

What's up with pandas?

I was given a "sexy panda" bracelet at Burning Man.