Sunday, December 23, 2007

Mistletoe is a parasite

Solstice celebration today with the mother, Ed, and Thomas and co. Should be interesting, to say the least, and the food will be rapesauce. I'm looking forward to it. First, though, I gets new glasses.

The past week has been pretty tight. Spenser's in town, and staying at our place. That, coupled with Michael moving in, and the rather extraordinary amount of D&D, Illuminati, and Settlers of Catan we've been playing has contributed to our breaking of the soda record. We've gone through eight 12 packs in the past week, and Leroy hasn't even been over. That's a lot of damn Dr. Pepper.

Also, the band business is finally in order. We've had two practices so far, with better than expected results. The current lineup has Matt on guitar, Micheal on vocals, and the drumming position up in the air. We had Michael play for the first practice, and one of his coworkers (Chad, I think?) play for the second. We're trying out Ruthie sometime in the next week, hopefully.

Other than that, life has been plodding along as usual. Work, driving, Cthulhu.

Also, I has musics.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

ATM Machines

So I got caught speeding the other day.

Got a new phone the other day, as my old, not shitty one was lost. The number's the same, so no worries.

Work is going well. I ran some numbers the other day, and I should be a millionaire by the end of 2007. * I'm looking forward to it. I've been talking with a few people, and Sometime around January, if not sooner, I'm going to be looking into a job at UPS. Better pay, better hours, benefits, and the company isn't going out of business. Sounds like a win-win, considering I'd be doing pretty much the same thing.

Boxes, boxes, boxes. Kind of ironic, considering all my art is done on cardboard. Er, maybe not ironic as such, but it's something. Maybe it means something. Who knows.

I like cardboard.

Ahem. This week, a la Spicy, I'll be adding some music. Enjoy, damnit.

*The numbers I ran may or may not have counted me on winning the lottery. But seriously, I'm not going to have to sleep in my car anytime soon.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Loose cogs.

Long time no update. Unfortunately, every time I sit down to update, the list of things to mention gets bigger and bigger, which leads to putting it off for later every time. So, to save time, here's what I've been doing the last month:

Halloween zombies Rita car accident (haha) pink hair job furniture store black hair Spenser DnD lulz Thanksgiving (yum) Zach emergency brake (more lulz) Leroy computer getoutmahhouse Amtgard administration hates 6th level scout leg hurts bacon-sex 68 cans 8 two-liters (one week) Settlers of Catan (holy shit awesome) Michael roman candle fight lost Hikes point crackheads cold fuck Christmas.

Stay in tune for regular updates now!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Dinner at the house on Somber Way

"Why wouldn't you be happy about rape? It's just sex you didn't know you wanted."
-Rita Hazlett

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So, we've had these recipes on the fridge for a while...

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Let's try the second one, shall we?

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Meet Mel's guinea pig. He has a name, but I don't remember it now.

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Let's just call him "Dinner" for now, shall we?

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Dem's good eatins!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Well, I've been driving for a little over a week now, and I must say, it's changed things a lot. I'm enjoying the freedom. Gas costing money kinda sucks, but you know.

I'm not really enjoying doing laundry, but some things must be done, and I've been out if clean socks for a while. Meh. Laundry is boring. To rectify that, I present you with this:

Greatest Pickup Lines Ever!

I need a haircut. That's all.

Edit: Okay, so it looks like Blogger is cutting off the last panel. Just click the picture to see the whole thing.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Killing Machines

Leroy and I have come to a conclusion regarding this year's Halloween costumes. He will be a giant 2-liter of Dr Pepper, and I will be Leroy. We toyed with a couple of other ideas, including cardboard boxes, Death Pope (don't ask), Amtguarders, and cardboard boxes filled with candy.

Further squirrel hunting, thus far, has been unsuccessful. The weekend involved an excursion to the local woods, though naught but one squirrel even showed itself. (I missed, and it scurried away. Filthy bastard.) Our second excursion was cut short when someone called the cops on us. Balls.

I like this video.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Welcome to the Brown

Today I went and visited my old home, the J. Graham Brown School. Cody called me yesterday and asked for a bunch of weird clothes for picture day, so I took the opportunity to wake up ungodly early and TARC it down to the 'ol bomb shelter.

I got in about 8 minutes late, and as I was going up the steps, Mr. Clean yells "Hey kid! You need to sign in!" So I signed in and received my tardy slip and was off to class. Brilliant.

1st period, Chilled in Carrie's class and read Odysseus, then went to Art and made a cool piece (which is currently hanging on Andrea's wall.) 3rd, watched jazz band play and talked with Nick Logsdon. After that, visited Becky and MC Loud. Spenser and I's symbols are still up from when we visited the first day of school. Fucking nice.

Left after lunch, left and ran into a bunch of people I know (Becca Calebro? Storm? Peter Volkver? Weirdness). Chilled with Nick and some people for a while, then got a ride from Mitchell (Winston) and picked up my first paycheck from Spinelli's.

Fast forward. Shooting bottles of Budweiser with a BB gun with Zach and Leroy. After sucking violently for a few shots, I discovers that I was a pretty damn good shot without my glasses on. No joke. I got a bird from a good distance with no glasses. Fuckin' A.

Fast forward. Chilling at the homefront, blogging like a good little boy. And I forgot to mention the paisley tie...

Day 1- Enter The Machine

I am a human machine.
I eat too little, I sleep to little, and breathe all the wrong things.
Welcome to my life, now broadcast straight to your computer screen!
Begin transmission.